The hideous Margarete

Amur Alex
3 min readFeb 20, 2022


It was February 7 when Jamie woke up. He was not believing what he was seeing. Both of his lovely parents Ava and Oliver were found dead. He cried his eyes out after the creepy scene, somehow he called the police. They came immediately to Mrs. Johnson's house. The detective investigated everyone in the house, moreover, the neighbors were also investigated. He came to nothing. After working a whole month on this high-profile case, the killer was caught. Yet, who was the killer? It was Ms. Margarete, the former band college of Mrs. Johnson, the father of Jamie.

Photo by Maxim Hopman on Unsplash

Let me tell you what happened prior: After Oliver was fired from his work, Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Margarete - an old school friend, but very jealous - had a small band. After many failed tries, Mrs. Johnson managed to break away due to financial distress. The group did not thrive on singing, so he just left them. Margarete really was aggravated by what just occurred. She tried to bring him around to not leave the group, but he was not convinced at all. He explained to her his responsibilities, namely, he has to take care of Ava and Jamie. After a critical discussion with her, Oliver left her and never came back. Mrs. Johnson worked then as a Taxi-driver, whereas he has to cope with every kind of person. After two years of working very hard and improving on himself, Oliver could found his first company in the technology field. This company was a big success. He even could build his dream house. And it was success after success until Ms. Margarete knew about his company. After she left the group she got addicted to drugs and in the end, ended up in the street. She was, as already mentioned, very jealous of everything. So, what do you think would she do now? She went to his company looking for him, at first when he looked at her, he did not recognize her, but after a while, he did. He offered her help and money, and I mean a lot of money. She took everything he offered, even without saying thanks. Moreover, she came around daily and disturbed everyone, so Mrs. Johnson´s reputation went down because of the smelly Margarete. So, he asked her not to pass, in addition, he told her to call him in the event of adversity. She nodded and went away. But she kept coming to the company and bothering his clients. So, there was no choice but to call the police to drag her away. She was taken and set into a house. Yet, after that did Oliver not answer her calls and you all know why. And on a dark night, she broke into his house and killed him, but when his woman, Ava, saw her, she was also killed.

Sometimes, we have to have just two friends in life: Mama and Papa.

